Wednesday 22 August 2018

blog post mark so far

Blog mark  This marks consits of 50% for posting in class and comments and 50% for 2 blogposts( 25+ 25%)

                         Blog mark 1 (50%)        Blog mark 2 (25%)       Blog mark 3 (25%)   Final  blog mark

Cecilia               7                                        6,5                                6,5
Catalina P          7                                        6                                    7
Matías              5,5                                      5,8                                 6
Alondra            5,9                                      5,5                                5,3
Noah                 4,7                                      5                                    5
Camila              5,9                                     5,5                                  5
Javiera              5,9                                      5,5                                4,7
Antonia             5,5                                      6                                  5,5
Ignacio               6                                        6,8                               6,6
Melisa               6,4                                      6,4                               6,5
Catalina G         5,1                                     4,8                                5       
Guillermo         5,5                                       6                                  6
Jazmín                7                                         5                                 4,7
Javiera               4,4                                       5,2                              6
Valentina           4,4                                       5                                 6                                         

Tuesday 14 August 2018

A free time activity

Dear all,
There are many activities I like to do in my free time. Among them I can think of swimming, playing guitar, doing sports, watching movies and or  drawing Japanese characters lately.
There is one activity I really love but I hardly ever do. This is trekking. I probably do it twice or three times in a year (at least this year!)
This activity involves some mental and physical endurance depending on the distances, weather and terrain you cover. I guess you also need the right gear depending on the weather. I like to wear different layers so you can take them off as you get warmer. Drinking lots of water and eating something before you do it are important things
One of my favourite places to do this is Parque nacional La campana, in particular the walk between Portezuelo and Ocoa, but  I believe that around Santiago has a number of nice hills to climb, too.
I really enjoy this activity because I love nature. Observing plants, trees and vegetation makes me happy. Moreover, I really like insects, birds and animals in their natural habitat (Not at home! This applies for insects)

Practice for video 3

What the activity is,
How often you do it,
Where you do it,
What the activity involves,
Why you enjoy doing this activity.
Mention anything else you think is important.

Minimum 220 words and 3 comments

Monday 13 August 2018

oral exam practice vocab

Here is some help to practice for the oral interaction test that will be held next week. Remember you need a partner for this activity. It is a good idea to decide on it now.

Giving your opinionGiving your opinion neutrally

"I think…."

"I feel that…."

"In my opinion…."

"As far as I'm concerned…."

"As I see it…."

"In my view…"

Giving a strong opinion

"I'm absolutely convinced that…."

"I'm sure that….."

"I strongly believe that…."

"I have no doubt that…"


"What do you think (about /of X)?"

"What's your view (on)?"

"How do you see the situation (of)?"

Agreeing and disagreeing

"I think you're right."
"I agree with you."

Strong agreement
"I couldn't agree with you more."
"You're absolutely right."
"I agree entirely."
"I totally agree."

Agreeing in part

"I agree with you up to a point, but..."
"That's quite true, but..."
"I agree with you in principle, but..."


"I'm not sure I agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't agree."
"(I'm afraid) I disagree."
"(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't share your opinion."

Note that when you disagree with someone, you can often sound
more polite by using a phrase such as "I'm afraid..."

Disagreeing strongly

"I don't agree at all."
"I totally disagree."
"I couldn't agree with you less."

Keeping a conversation going
Making comments

"No!" - to show surprise
"I don't believe it!" - to show surprise
"Wow!" - to show admiration or surprise
"That's incredible / amazing / unbelievable" - to show great
interest in the subject of conversation
"How awful / terrible" - to show sympathy with someone else's bad

Asking questions

"Really?" - to show surprise
"And you?" - when someone asks you how you are
"Did you?" - can be used to encourage someone to tell their story.

For example, "I saw her last night" "Did you?" "Yes, she was with one of her friends, and she...."

Thursday 9 August 2018

video 3

Video 3: 
Record a for 2 minute mobile phone video presentation in ONE TAKE * about an activity you like to do in your free time. Remember this is NOT A READING ACTIVITY :)
What the activity is,
How often you do it,
Where you do it,
What the activity involves,
Why you enjoy doing this activity.
Mention anything else you think is important.
The deadline is Sunday 19 in the night. Please practice and ask for help if you need it 

Tuesday 7 August 2018


I use a lot of apps on the phone and there are some that I really enjoy, for example pinterest or Instagram because I love to look at drawings. But I don’t really visit them often.  However, there is an app I use a lot more than the rest, and this is Duo lingo. I discovered this app through one of my sisters about 5 years ago. I remember we were both practicing German at the time and we found this was better for languages than others.
I like it because it shows you your mistakes and keeps repeating them until you get the answers right. I visit it every day and the nice thing is that duo lingo reminds you when you have a pending lesson.  I always do at least the minimum and at weekends or on free nights, I do more. For Japanese it has been really useful because you write in such a different way. I has really helped me memorise some of the characters. Considering you have around 102 only with two systems, I can use all the help I can get. I am not sure it is the best methodology to learn a language but it has certainly help me through it.

Write about the app you use the most or one you like very much.

How you discovered it
Why you like it
How often  you use it
And if you would recommend it and why
Add anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 220 words, a comment on this blog and 2 more comments

Tuesday 31 July 2018





Extra listening

do the vocabulary quiz and hide the text. After do the listening quiz

do the vocabulary quiz and hide the text. After do the listening quiz

Listen and do the quiz

After, write a 50 word text on your performance

Tuesday 24 July 2018


I do not consider myself a particularly ambitious person when it comes to money.  However, when it comes to happiness or personal satisfaction I am very ambitious. To me, very few things are as important as “peace of mind”.
If I had to think of an ambition I have, there are quite a few, but one that is very strong at the moment is the idea of travelling to Japan to live and work for ideally 6 months but if I cannot make it, maybe 3. This ambition began probably after the first hour I spent in Japan in 2017. I was very fortunate. I thought “ I like it here”. Nevertheless, my disappointment with my job had a huge impact on my decision to leave for a while and start over.

 There are a number of amazing things there in terms of technology, history, architecture, food, etc. However, for me the culture and history are probably the most fascinating aspects. 
I would describe Japanese people as slightly miserable (as in depressed) in the sense that they live to work and work to live (with the exception of Osaka where they seem to live to party). At the same time they are so clean, correct and servile that I find it really interesting.  Japanese people are really proud and one negative aspect I know about them  is that it is quite a sexist country. However, I am really interested in going there with my sunshine (that is my companion) and experience the “land of the rising sun”
At the moment I am learning Japanese so I can actually get a teaching job, ideally from here, but if it is not possible, once I am there. It has turned out to be more difficult than I expected J

How about you?
Write about an ambition you have
What affected your decision to have this ambition
Is there anyone else involved in it
What are you doing to achieve it
Add anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 210 words. One comment on your teacher’s blog and 3 comments on your classmates’ blogs.

Tuesday 17 July 2018

Free post

Choose ONE of the following topics and write


Write about your favorite animal.
Why you like it
Where it is originally from
Do you think there is an inner animal in you?
Add anything else you find relevant

What is your star sign?
Whenwere  you were born
what do you know about the astral chart?
 Add anything else you find relevant.

What was your favorite toy as a child?
When you got it?
Why you like it?
Add anything else you find relevant

Best birthday celebration
Who was there?
Why you enjoyed it?
What made it the best celebration?
Add anything else you find relevant


Blog evaluation

Dear all,
Please remember the blog evaluation was published on April 18th.
So please follow the rules since the correction is done on  a weekly basis

Tuesday 10 July 2018

A Job

There are a number of things I would like to do, but one job that immediately comes to mind is that of an administrator or member of an animal rescue centre.
I would like to do this job because I feel there are too many stray dogs and cats going through a rough time that need affection and care.
I think the skills I need involve of some knowledge of vet care but mostly the psychology of animals. 
I think I am all right in that respect but I would like to take a course with César Millán or someone alike since I am not sure I can deal with really traumatized animals.  I have dealt more with cats than dogs in the past few years.
Actually, the main thing I would need is money since you need to rent or buy a place, feed the animals, give them their vaccinations, anti parasite treatment, etc. This would cost a lot. Moreover, you need to keep the place clean so you need people to work with you as well.
The satisfaction would be huge. I love animals and seeing some of them in the streets having a hard time makes me sad.

In an ideal world, I would have a second place to look after birds of prey too. I love birds in general and the way the cities are changing, is posing a real threat for them.

How about you?


What the job is,
Why you would like to do this job,,
What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,
What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.
Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 200 words and wirte 2 comments to your classmates

Thank you

WOULD   =    Conditional
I would work in a place  Trabajaría en un lugar   I wouldn't like a job   No me gustaría un trabajo
I would need ti be= necesitaría ser
I would like   Me gustaría
She would go  Ella iría
Would you work as a bar bar tender? trabajarías de dependiente del bar?
The satisfaction for me would be  la satisfacción para mí sería

Tuesday 29 May 2018


Today I would like (me gustaría) to write and to know about your feelings towards music. Can you think of the first time you heard music in your life? I remember the radio was the first thing I heard each morning as a child, even before the birds. My dad would put the radio on in his bedroom, which was next to ours and inevitably, you would listen. I suppose that is what awakened my love for music in general.
I think music, just like other type of arts, can really move people. In my case, certain musical pieces and songs have made me cry, sometimes when I remember situations from the past, sometimes out of joy because it is so beautiful.  I think music as much as sounds in general are really important in my life. I love music and I love birds singing (I mean this kind of sound) or the sound of most new languages.
I always listen to music and I love live gigs. There are also a number of soundtracks (from movies)  I listen to all the time. For example Yann Tiersen’s “ Good bye Lenin” Sound track or “Cloud Atlas” which was written by a few authors (I strongly recommend both these films if you haven’t seen them, very different genres (historical tragicomedy, Science fiction). At the same time I love music from Latin America, Africa and Europe. Different styles, more or less all sorts, however, I don’t know much about Asian music with the exception of Hindu but for example I don't know about K or J pop.  I am not a fan of reggaeton or really heavy metal rhythms but I will listen if there is nothing else on offer.
How about you?
Write about music or a different type of art you enjoy or is important in your life.
How you got into it
How often you listen or practice it
Why you like it
Anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 220 words, a  comment on 2 classmates’s blogs and your teacher’s blog.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Favorite food/ Food in general

These two choices are difficult because I kind of love more or less all  food. Since I am rather hungry at the moment I will go for food. I consider myself a food lover, I have always enjoyed eating very much. However, 16 years ago I decided not to eat meat anymore. At that time it was not about animal rights or health, it was only that one day  I didn't feel like it anymore. Today I feel that is one of the best decisions I have made.
The idea of food is complex since there are a number of options that are simply delicious. For example, I love nuts, all sorts, especially mixed together with raisins or cranberries. I also love olives, the bitter ones in particular. I think if I have to think of a homemade dish, I'd go for a vegetarian lasagna made with aubergine, zuchinni and tomato sauce. It's simply wonderful. 
On the sweet side my favorite is chocolate. However, I don't like fruit any less. My favorite are chirimoya, banana and mango. I also love watermelon.
I really liked it when the seasons were more marked and you had certain foods in one period of the year, like tomatoes or strawberries only in the summer and celery in the winter. Now we have everything year in year out. It is such a good reflection of a consumerist society. 

I think the connection with food is very important. I really believe we are what we eat (and what we drink!) I think food is strongly related with our emotions and we eat more or less depending on how we feel.

To conclude, I'd like to say that combining a rich diet or a healthy diet with a regular amount of sport is the best decision you can take. I wish I practiced sports 4 times a week but I only do it twice, sometimes less depending on how busy I am with work and reading.
How about you?

Today We have two choices.

Write about your favorite food or food in general.
What is your relationship with food?
Do you have a favourite dish? Is there a dish  you enjoy at home or in a particular shop?

Write a minimum of 215 words and 3comments

Tuesday 15 May 2018

TUE 15

something you'd like to learn(You'd like to=  you would like to= te gustaría)
There are lots of things I would love to learn to do. However, to be realistic, some of them would be too complicated. For example, I’d love to learn to play the flute but you need a lot of time and dedication to become a competent musician and I don’t think it would be a feasible instrument to learn at this stage of my life. One thing that I would like to learn better would be to play the guitar. I can play basic stuff and I know some chords but I'd like to be able to play any old song nicely and in rhythm.  I just wish I wanted it more so I devoted more time to it and improved. I feel and been told I am good. Japanese is another one on my list. I started classes last week and I feel there is hope. I study every other day for a while because I know it is the only way to succed.
 Finally, improving my pc skills and dancing salsa is also on my list but I think I am one of the stiffest people ever:(
Last but not least, I really think this life is a constant learning experience. In everything we do, interaction we have we have something to take with us. I love that.

Write about yourself.
Is there something in particular you would like to learn?
Is there something you started learning and stopped that you would like to pursue?
Tell us about your interest!
Write a minimum of 220 words plus 3 comments on blogs. It could be mine or any.
Thank you
Regards and see you soon

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Free :)

Dear students,
Today we will have a free topic. As we are not together to decide on what it will be, it will be truly free.

As a woman, it is difficult not to empathise with the sit-in in FACSO, LAW and INAP. Coming from an older generation, it cannot but make me happy the fact that in 2018 young women can say how they feel about being belittled and sexually harassed in an institution which defines itself as tolerant in many ways, but also in many contexts beyond studies or work.  Today, I was listening to a radio presenter saying that the reasons for these strikes (Law faculty in particular) were absurd considering all the bigger problems that women face every day. I am aware that, as women, we face issues from our childhood, firstly when we are not offered the same opportunities as male boys and are dressed in colours that have nothing to do with who we are or how we feel. However, I  agree that abuse of power and sexual harassment need to stop, no matter the gender.
I thank a number of  women and male and a number of writers who opened my eyes a while back.
There is a lot of room for discussion here but very few words. 
To conclude, I would like to say that the chauvinism that upsets me the most is that of women. Examples are those of women belittling other women, or  those who sing “reggaeton lyrics” demeaning to women in general. There are many examples of actions like these and the worst thing is that due to cultural factors, you may know better than myself, they don’t even realize they are doing it.

Write about a topic you are interested in, or feel like writing about.
Introduce it, include some ideas to develop it and a brief conclusion

Write a minimum of 220 words and post a comment on my blog + 1 comment to a member of the class.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

First day

I still remember my first day at university. Obviously, I don’t remember all the details since it was ages ago, but I do remember special things. I know I was a little nervous both times.

But to set you in the context, let me tell you I did translation first but I was not sure I wanted that. However, I decided I would finish and then study sociology. I finished my course and started working as a translator and teacher. I also got to interpret stuff and I found it really fun and the money was Ok. This is why I thought; maybe I should get a teaching degree after all. I started looking at the possibilities around and wasn’t too impressed. So I decided to go away.

My first day at pedagogy was very exciting. Most classmates seemed younger and really nervous. I remember this very formal teacher talking to us about Education and the importance of being a teacher with a vocation. He also mentioned some really interesting facts about epistemology, followed by curriculum, assessment, and didactics, which made me think, “This is where I need to be”. I listened to all these words as if they were said to me only and I really got engaged. This class was more like a lecture, the teacher spoke mostly.

Then, we had the break and had some coffee with my classmates who mostly had found the speech really boring and meaningless. I remember having a nice chat with Gabriela, we spoke about music and also different places where you could teach. It was a nice day and I’ll never forget that particular first class. 
The second class on learning theories was not as fun. I think it had to do with the teacher's

Later I have done several diplomas and my MA. As for sociology,  is still on waiting list...

How about you? Talk about your first day at university. Mention:

How you felt

What the first few classes were like

Who you spoke to

What you did

Anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 200 words and four comments in total.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Hi everyone:
Today I think we could write about something personal.  I'd like to talk about a good friend of mine. I met Ivonne in around 2000 because she was a my sister's classmate at Uni and they were pretty close. Later, my sister left to live in the UK and didn't see Ivonne again until around 2005. I am not sure how we got in touch again but I am glad we did because I feel she is really nice company. I like talking to her about anything because most of the time she has wise words to tell me. Plus, she has a great sense of humor and is a very active woman.

I'd say we have  things in common. We like music and arts in general, and we share our sense of humor & we love animals. We don't eat them ! I really enjoy our evening meetings to have a drink and play music. Ivonne plays the guitar magnificently and can pick like few people I have met. But she is very humble about her guitar playing and that is nice too.
She is a lawyer and a judge, but one of the smart ones who will always tell you about the details of the legal actions you take. Furthermore,  most of the time she knows what is going on with the laws they will pass or if they already passed them and how they affect us. It is a pitty we only see each other 3 or 4 times a year.
Write about a good friend of yours:


Who it is,

How you met,

What things you have in common,

How often you see your friend.

Write at least 180 words. Leave a comment on  4 classmates' blogs .