Tuesday 24 July 2018


I do not consider myself a particularly ambitious person when it comes to money.  However, when it comes to happiness or personal satisfaction I am very ambitious. To me, very few things are as important as “peace of mind”.
If I had to think of an ambition I have, there are quite a few, but one that is very strong at the moment is the idea of travelling to Japan to live and work for ideally 6 months but if I cannot make it, maybe 3. This ambition began probably after the first hour I spent in Japan in 2017. I was very fortunate. I thought “ I like it here”. Nevertheless, my disappointment with my job had a huge impact on my decision to leave for a while and start over.

 There are a number of amazing things there in terms of technology, history, architecture, food, etc. However, for me the culture and history are probably the most fascinating aspects. 
I would describe Japanese people as slightly miserable (as in depressed) in the sense that they live to work and work to live (with the exception of Osaka where they seem to live to party). At the same time they are so clean, correct and servile that I find it really interesting.  Japanese people are really proud and one negative aspect I know about them  is that it is quite a sexist country. However, I am really interested in going there with my sunshine (that is my companion) and experience the “land of the rising sun”
At the moment I am learning Japanese so I can actually get a teaching job, ideally from here, but if it is not possible, once I am there. It has turned out to be more difficult than I expected J

How about you?
Write about an ambition you have
What affected your decision to have this ambition
Is there anyone else involved in it
What are you doing to achieve it
Add anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 210 words. One comment on your teacher’s blog and 3 comments on your classmates’ blogs.


  1. ohh teacher considers that she is taking one of the best ideas... I love it, I hope that you can fulfill that great dream. :3

  2. Hello! I think Japan it's a really curious and interesting country, but their language it's really difficult I guess. Nice that you're studying it to make your dream come true!

  3. The languages are doors to new worlds, it's wonderfull how learn one change the overview that we have.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hello miss, I think that japan is a countrey very interesting for study, I believe that the people is intelligent and serious.

  6. Hello teacher! That is amazing, I hope that your dream can be fulfilled. I should like to know Japan, is a really interesting contry.

  7. Hi teacher! Japan is a really interesting country, they have a very particular cultural. Wow, learn new languages is a very nice experience, I hope you have luck with that.

  8. Hello teacher! I don't know much about Japan and their culture, but i am sure it must be intriguing. Good luck in that ambition!!

  9. Hello! I love japanese food and I think Japon it's a very interesting country. It would be great if you can learn japonese, the more language you know, more doors can open to you. I hope you can do what you want and go to Japan again.

  10. Hi :) there is a lot of things that makes Japan too amazing, if you want to watch some videos for the cannel that I mention in my blog, is https://www.youtube.com/user/macaroneru

  11. Hello! I really hope you can achieve it, and all the things that you can do :)

  12. hi! the world must be more like Osaka. Hope you can make your dreams come true

  13. Hi! I love Japan, its culture and mysticism overcoat, but I am not sure if really I would dare to go any day, I hope that you could go. Greetings!
