Tuesday 10 July 2018

A Job

There are a number of things I would like to do, but one job that immediately comes to mind is that of an administrator or member of an animal rescue centre.
I would like to do this job because I feel there are too many stray dogs and cats going through a rough time that need affection and care.
I think the skills I need involve of some knowledge of vet care but mostly the psychology of animals. 
I think I am all right in that respect but I would like to take a course with César Millán or someone alike since I am not sure I can deal with really traumatized animals.  I have dealt more with cats than dogs in the past few years.
Actually, the main thing I would need is money since you need to rent or buy a place, feed the animals, give them their vaccinations, anti parasite treatment, etc. This would cost a lot. Moreover, you need to keep the place clean so you need people to work with you as well.
The satisfaction would be huge. I love animals and seeing some of them in the streets having a hard time makes me sad.

In an ideal world, I would have a second place to look after birds of prey too. I love birds in general and the way the cities are changing, is posing a real threat for them.

How about you?


What the job is,
Why you would like to do this job,,
What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,
What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.
Mention anything else you think is important.

Write a minimum of 200 words and wirte 2 comments to your classmates

Thank you

WOULD   =    Conditional
I would work in a place  Trabajaría en un lugar   I wouldn't like a job   No me gustaría un trabajo
I would need ti be= necesitaría ser
I would like   Me gustaría
She would go  Ella iría
Would you work as a bar bar tender? trabajarías de dependiente del bar?
The satisfaction for me would be  la satisfacción para mí sería

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