Tuesday 29 May 2018


Today I would like (me gustarĂ­a) to write and to know about your feelings towards music. Can you think of the first time you heard music in your life? I remember the radio was the first thing I heard each morning as a child, even before the birds. My dad would put the radio on in his bedroom, which was next to ours and inevitably, you would listen. I suppose that is what awakened my love for music in general.
I think music, just like other type of arts, can really move people. In my case, certain musical pieces and songs have made me cry, sometimes when I remember situations from the past, sometimes out of joy because it is so beautiful.  I think music as much as sounds in general are really important in my life. I love music and I love birds singing (I mean this kind of sound) or the sound of most new languages.
I always listen to music and I love live gigs. There are also a number of soundtracks (from movies)  I listen to all the time. For example Yann Tiersen’s “ Good bye Lenin” Sound track or “Cloud Atlas” which was written by a few authors (I strongly recommend both these films if you haven’t seen them, very different genres (historical tragicomedy, Science fiction). At the same time I love music from Latin America, Africa and Europe. Different styles, more or less all sorts, however, I don’t know much about Asian music with the exception of Hindu but for example I don't know about K or J pop.  I am not a fan of reggaeton or really heavy metal rhythms but I will listen if there is nothing else on offer.
How about you?
Write about music or a different type of art you enjoy or is important in your life.
How you got into it
How often you listen or practice it
Why you like it
Anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 220 words, a  comment on 2 classmates’s blogs and your teacher’s blog.


  1. ohh teacher I love that you write something as beautiful as what music is and how you feel with this song, with as many songs as with only 3 or 4 minutes. PS: I love the second movie he recommended and well I'll leave with the answer of the first one too, thank you very much!

  2. Hello! As the music makes you feel is great! In my case, I'm a person of words so what I love most about music is the lyrics, the songs that make me crazier are those with a complex poetry, that really make you feel something with the words, especially if it's something sad.

  3. I think what I notice most about a song is what it tries to say, I love your blog, I do not know how you can remember the events that happened so long ago

  4. Music usually remind us some special memories, and sometimes it make us cry. I think that it's beautiful to get excited and emotional at the same time with some songs.

  5. Classical music usually generates nostalgia and makes me cry! The power of music in our emotions is impressive.

  6. It was a good post, it is incredible the power of music, and the ways which it can make you feel!
