Tuesday 22 May 2018

Favorite food/ Food in general

These two choices are difficult because I kind of love more or less all  food. Since I am rather hungry at the moment I will go for food. I consider myself a food lover, I have always enjoyed eating very much. However, 16 years ago I decided not to eat meat anymore. At that time it was not about animal rights or health, it was only that one day  I didn't feel like it anymore. Today I feel that is one of the best decisions I have made.
The idea of food is complex since there are a number of options that are simply delicious. For example, I love nuts, all sorts, especially mixed together with raisins or cranberries. I also love olives, the bitter ones in particular. I think if I have to think of a homemade dish, I'd go for a vegetarian lasagna made with aubergine, zuchinni and tomato sauce. It's simply wonderful. 
On the sweet side my favorite is chocolate. However, I don't like fruit any less. My favorite are chirimoya, banana and mango. I also love watermelon.
I really liked it when the seasons were more marked and you had certain foods in one period of the year, like tomatoes or strawberries only in the summer and celery in the winter. Now we have everything year in year out. It is such a good reflection of a consumerist society. 

I think the connection with food is very important. I really believe we are what we eat (and what we drink!) I think food is strongly related with our emotions and we eat more or less depending on how we feel.

To conclude, I'd like to say that combining a rich diet or a healthy diet with a regular amount of sport is the best decision you can take. I wish I practiced sports 4 times a week but I only do it twice, sometimes less depending on how busy I am with work and reading.
How about you?

Today We have two choices.

Write about your favorite food or food in general.
What is your relationship with food?
Do you have a favourite dish? Is there a dish  you enjoy at home or in a particular shop?

Write a minimum of 215 words and 3comments


  1. ouch 'teacher why can not I leave the meat as easy as some do? haha I love meat! I do not understand how you can survive that, it's very brave! hahaha

  2. Hi teacher! I agree with you, I try to eat healthy and I took the step towards a vegetarian diet a few years ago and I can't have made a better decision! In addition, together with a few days of exercises, it makes me feel renewad and with a lot of energy.

  3. I think the decisions related to food are very important and I think it's great that I left the meat so young, I since I was 9 years old I do not eat meat
