Tuesday 8 May 2018

Free :)

Dear students,
Today we will have a free topic. As we are not together to decide on what it will be, it will be truly free.

As a woman, it is difficult not to empathise with the sit-in in FACSO, LAW and INAP. Coming from an older generation, it cannot but make me happy the fact that in 2018 young women can say how they feel about being belittled and sexually harassed in an institution which defines itself as tolerant in many ways, but also in many contexts beyond studies or work.  Today, I was listening to a radio presenter saying that the reasons for these strikes (Law faculty in particular) were absurd considering all the bigger problems that women face every day. I am aware that, as women, we face issues from our childhood, firstly when we are not offered the same opportunities as male boys and are dressed in colours that have nothing to do with who we are or how we feel. However, I  agree that abuse of power and sexual harassment need to stop, no matter the gender.
I thank a number of  women and male and a number of writers who opened my eyes a while back.
There is a lot of room for discussion here but very few words. 
To conclude, I would like to say that the chauvinism that upsets me the most is that of women. Examples are those of women belittling other women, or  those who sing “reggaeton lyrics” demeaning to women in general. There are many examples of actions like these and the worst thing is that due to cultural factors, you may know better than myself, they don’t even realize they are doing it.

Write about a topic you are interested in, or feel like writing about.
Introduce it, include some ideas to develop it and a brief conclusion

Write a minimum of 220 words and post a comment on my blog + 1 comment to a member of the class.


  1. ohh I really congratulate her teacher for wanting to support and understand the difficult situation that some women have, it's time to fight for something just and dignified such as being able to be calm in a place without being harassed by men.

  2. The blog was very interesting, it's a really contingent topic and it's great that you treat it! It's very important that women can feel safe wherever we are.

  3. It is a very interesting post! really, sexism is something present in our whole life and the violence that women suffer in every scale is something that I consider undeniable. Despite being a man and privileged in this, I try not to be part of the problem


  4. I think your blog is very interesting, the issue of the differences that exist for being a man or a woman are very big

  5. I am very happy that you have written about a topic like this, it is a interesting post. Right now we are fighting to not normalize this type of practice and abuse.

  6. Excellent publication! It is encouraging to see when people empathize with the cause, since it is something that affects all women within society, greetings.

  7. Your post was very interesting! It is good to know that you are to so much with everything what is happening nowadays. Girl power! Greetings.
