Tuesday 24 April 2018

First day

I still remember my first day at university. Obviously, I don’t remember all the details since it was ages ago, but I do remember special things. I know I was a little nervous both times.

But to set you in the context, let me tell you I did translation first but I was not sure I wanted that. However, I decided I would finish and then study sociology. I finished my course and started working as a translator and teacher. I also got to interpret stuff and I found it really fun and the money was Ok. This is why I thought; maybe I should get a teaching degree after all. I started looking at the possibilities around and wasn’t too impressed. So I decided to go away.

My first day at pedagogy was very exciting. Most classmates seemed younger and really nervous. I remember this very formal teacher talking to us about Education and the importance of being a teacher with a vocation. He also mentioned some really interesting facts about epistemology, followed by curriculum, assessment, and didactics, which made me think, “This is where I need to be”. I listened to all these words as if they were said to me only and I really got engaged. This class was more like a lecture, the teacher spoke mostly.

Then, we had the break and had some coffee with my classmates who mostly had found the speech really boring and meaningless. I remember having a nice chat with Gabriela, we spoke about music and also different places where you could teach. It was a nice day and I’ll never forget that particular first class. 
The second class on learning theories was not as fun. I think it had to do with the teacher's

Later I have done several diplomas and my MA. As for sociology,  is still on waiting list...

How about you? Talk about your first day at university. Mention:

How you felt

What the first few classes were like

Who you spoke to

What you did

Anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 200 words and four comments in total.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Hi everyone:
Today I think we could write about something personal.  I'd like to talk about a good friend of mine. I met Ivonne in around 2000 because she was a my sister's classmate at Uni and they were pretty close. Later, my sister left to live in the UK and didn't see Ivonne again until around 2005. I am not sure how we got in touch again but I am glad we did because I feel she is really nice company. I like talking to her about anything because most of the time she has wise words to tell me. Plus, she has a great sense of humor and is a very active woman.

I'd say we have  things in common. We like music and arts in general, and we share our sense of humor & we love animals. We don't eat them ! I really enjoy our evening meetings to have a drink and play music. Ivonne plays the guitar magnificently and can pick like few people I have met. But she is very humble about her guitar playing and that is nice too.
She is a lawyer and a judge, but one of the smart ones who will always tell you about the details of the legal actions you take. Furthermore,  most of the time she knows what is going on with the laws they will pass or if they already passed them and how they affect us. It is a pitty we only see each other 3 or 4 times a year.
Write about a good friend of yours:


Who it is,

How you met,

What things you have in common,

How often you see your friend.

Write at least 180 words. Leave a comment on  4 classmates' blogs .

Monday 16 April 2018

Blog Evaluation

The blog mark  (20% ) consists of two different marks

Mark 1   = Continuous assessment. Every class you get:

2 points for post and comments "in class"
1 point for post and comments until Thursday 16:00
O points after 48 hours or no post

Mark 2

Evaluation of 3 texts over the semester

Instruction, grammar, language, structure

mark 1 + mark 2= final blog mark

Some verbs for when you want to talk about present, past, future ;)

Tuesday 10 April 2018

feel good

Today I will write about feelings. There are a number of ways in which we humans are mentally affected by what happens around us. And when you get to your adult life, a lot of people start feeling ill.  I think nowadays stress is a number one contributor to health problems. I tend to get stressed when I run late, and this is more often than I would like to.
One thing I love to do to feel better is exercise. I feel exercise, whatever it is, is the number one help for the body and soul. It may have to do with the release of endorphins.  I try to swim at least twice a week and do “pilates” at least once. I say I try because sometimes it can be difficult for me to do it, like last week I did little L. However, it is something that really helps me feel good. Another thing I love is walking in big parks or a hill. This year, I intend to climb a hill per month. There are other activities which make me happy too, like playing the guitar  (this is something I also want to do more often) or watching a movie with loved ones but all in all.

Write about something that makes you feel good (anything)
Why it happens
How often you do it
Is there anything else you would like to do this semester.
Write a minimum of 200 words and 3 comments.

Today you have to create a blog and link your teacher & classmates.

Follow these steps to make your blog via google
1. go to: http://www.blogger.com/
2. click: create your blog now
3. if you have a google account: sign in first
If you don’t have a google account: create a google account (step 1)
4. (step 2) name your blog
5. (2) choose any template you like
6. Link your classmates (see below)
6. start posting (dashboard)

Follow these simple steps to include links on your blog:

1. as editor, visit your blog dashboard
2. click: design
3. click: add a gadget
4. select: link list
5. add links info
6. save

April 24 first evaluation (Video presentation)


Record a for 2 minute mobile phone video presentation* about a subject you enjoyed at school
What the subject was,
Who taught it,
Why you enjoyed it,
What things you learnt in this subject.

Mention anything else you think is important.

Remember to mention all the info above. The time is important and also that you know that THIS IS NOT A READING TEST. This is why you need to practice as from today to get a good mark.

Make sure you include the information and respect the time. 


Here are some examples so you use tenses correctly. Notice the previous post has a verb list and therefore, you can look at the verb and tense you want to use.

what I normally do:
Nosotros vamos a conciertos 1 vez al año/ Nunca leo sobre arte/ My mama trabaja en su casa. 
 We go to concerts one time a year / I never read about arts / My mom works at home

When I want to talk about a particular occasion.

En esa oportunidad yo fui al campo/  Nosotros estábamos cansados ese día/ Comió el pastel y se fue.
I went to the country on that occasion /We were tired that day/ She/He ate the cake and left.

About things that started in the past and continue to the present...
He estado bien cansada ultimamente/ No he comprado tantos dulces / He querido ir pero no he podido
I have been tired lately/ I have not (haven't) bought many sweets/ I have wanted to go but haven't been able to.

When I am talking about the past and I want to refer to something further in the past.

Ese día me di cuenta que lo había visto más temprano. / Hasta entonces no había tenido tiempo.
That day I realized I had seen him earlier./ I hadn't had time until then.

Si tengo tiempo, te llamare.
If I have time, I will call you.

Si tuviera tiempo, te llamaría.
If I had time, I would call you.

Si hubiera tenido tiempo, te hubiera llamado
If I had had time, I would have called you.

Creo que puedo ayudarte/ Tú deberías trabajar un poco más / Ellos irían si  ella  los invitara
I think I can help you /  You should work a little more (harder) / They would go if she invited them

I hope this helps :)

Blog Evaluation

The blog mark  (20% ) consists of two different marks

Mark 1   = Continuous assessment. Every class you get:

2 points for post and comments "in class"
1 point for post and comments until Thursday 16:00
O points after 48 hours or no post

Mark 2

Evaluation of 3 texts over the semester

Instruction, grammar, language, structure

mark 1 + mark 2= final blog mark

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Tuesday 3

Hello !

Today we will keep practicing in preparation for our blog sessions. Please keep a record on a piece of paper.

Please visit

 click on level intermediate

1. Do the 3 activities corresponding to unit 11.

2. A bit more practice on tenses



3. Do the 2 short tests below



4. Play this game


5.   do the following practice




6. If you didn't do the 3 activities last week on BBC, do them now

 If you did, continue with this


Reading : Choose one of the newspapers below and pick one article of your interest. Read it and, on a piece of paper, write 150 words expressing the main ideas.