Wednesday 22 August 2018

blog post mark so far

Blog mark  This marks consits of 50% for posting in class and comments and 50% for 2 blogposts( 25+ 25%)

                         Blog mark 1 (50%)        Blog mark 2 (25%)       Blog mark 3 (25%)   Final  blog mark

Cecilia               7                                        6,5                                6,5
Catalina P          7                                        6                                    7
Matías              5,5                                      5,8                                 6
Alondra            5,9                                      5,5                                5,3
Noah                 4,7                                      5                                    5
Camila              5,9                                     5,5                                  5
Javiera              5,9                                      5,5                                4,7
Antonia             5,5                                      6                                  5,5
Ignacio               6                                        6,8                               6,6
Melisa               6,4                                      6,4                               6,5
Catalina G         5,1                                     4,8                                5       
Guillermo         5,5                                       6                                  6
Jazmín                7                                         5                                 4,7
Javiera               4,4                                       5,2                              6
Valentina           4,4                                       5                                 6                                         

Tuesday 14 August 2018

A free time activity

Dear all,
There are many activities I like to do in my free time. Among them I can think of swimming, playing guitar, doing sports, watching movies and or  drawing Japanese characters lately.
There is one activity I really love but I hardly ever do. This is trekking. I probably do it twice or three times in a year (at least this year!)
This activity involves some mental and physical endurance depending on the distances, weather and terrain you cover. I guess you also need the right gear depending on the weather. I like to wear different layers so you can take them off as you get warmer. Drinking lots of water and eating something before you do it are important things
One of my favourite places to do this is Parque nacional La campana, in particular the walk between Portezuelo and Ocoa, but  I believe that around Santiago has a number of nice hills to climb, too.
I really enjoy this activity because I love nature. Observing plants, trees and vegetation makes me happy. Moreover, I really like insects, birds and animals in their natural habitat (Not at home! This applies for insects)

Practice for video 3

What the activity is,
How often you do it,
Where you do it,
What the activity involves,
Why you enjoy doing this activity.
Mention anything else you think is important.

Minimum 220 words and 3 comments

Monday 13 August 2018

oral exam practice vocab

Here is some help to practice for the oral interaction test that will be held next week. Remember you need a partner for this activity. It is a good idea to decide on it now.

Giving your opinionGiving your opinion neutrally

"I think…."

"I feel that…."

"In my opinion…."

"As far as I'm concerned…."

"As I see it…."

"In my view…"

Giving a strong opinion

"I'm absolutely convinced that…."

"I'm sure that….."

"I strongly believe that…."

"I have no doubt that…"


"What do you think (about /of X)?"

"What's your view (on)?"

"How do you see the situation (of)?"

Agreeing and disagreeing

"I think you're right."
"I agree with you."

Strong agreement
"I couldn't agree with you more."
"You're absolutely right."
"I agree entirely."
"I totally agree."

Agreeing in part

"I agree with you up to a point, but..."
"That's quite true, but..."
"I agree with you in principle, but..."


"I'm not sure I agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't agree."
"(I'm afraid) I disagree."
"(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you."
"(I'm afraid) I don't share your opinion."

Note that when you disagree with someone, you can often sound
more polite by using a phrase such as "I'm afraid..."

Disagreeing strongly

"I don't agree at all."
"I totally disagree."
"I couldn't agree with you less."

Keeping a conversation going
Making comments

"No!" - to show surprise
"I don't believe it!" - to show surprise
"Wow!" - to show admiration or surprise
"That's incredible / amazing / unbelievable" - to show great
interest in the subject of conversation
"How awful / terrible" - to show sympathy with someone else's bad

Asking questions

"Really?" - to show surprise
"And you?" - when someone asks you how you are
"Did you?" - can be used to encourage someone to tell their story.

For example, "I saw her last night" "Did you?" "Yes, she was with one of her friends, and she...."

Thursday 9 August 2018

video 3

Video 3: 
Record a for 2 minute mobile phone video presentation in ONE TAKE * about an activity you like to do in your free time. Remember this is NOT A READING ACTIVITY :)
What the activity is,
How often you do it,
Where you do it,
What the activity involves,
Why you enjoy doing this activity.
Mention anything else you think is important.
The deadline is Sunday 19 in the night. Please practice and ask for help if you need it 

Tuesday 7 August 2018


I use a lot of apps on the phone and there are some that I really enjoy, for example pinterest or Instagram because I love to look at drawings. But I don’t really visit them often.  However, there is an app I use a lot more than the rest, and this is Duo lingo. I discovered this app through one of my sisters about 5 years ago. I remember we were both practicing German at the time and we found this was better for languages than others.
I like it because it shows you your mistakes and keeps repeating them until you get the answers right. I visit it every day and the nice thing is that duo lingo reminds you when you have a pending lesson.  I always do at least the minimum and at weekends or on free nights, I do more. For Japanese it has been really useful because you write in such a different way. I has really helped me memorise some of the characters. Considering you have around 102 only with two systems, I can use all the help I can get. I am not sure it is the best methodology to learn a language but it has certainly help me through it.

Write about the app you use the most or one you like very much.

How you discovered it
Why you like it
How often  you use it
And if you would recommend it and why
Add anything else you find relevant.
Write a minimum of 220 words, a comment on this blog and 2 more comments

Tuesday 31 July 2018





Extra listening

do the vocabulary quiz and hide the text. After do the listening quiz

do the vocabulary quiz and hide the text. After do the listening quiz

Listen and do the quiz

After, write a 50 word text on your performance

Tuesday 24 July 2018


I do not consider myself a particularly ambitious person when it comes to money.  However, when it comes to happiness or personal satisfaction I am very ambitious. To me, very few things are as important as “peace of mind”.
If I had to think of an ambition I have, there are quite a few, but one that is very strong at the moment is the idea of travelling to Japan to live and work for ideally 6 months but if I cannot make it, maybe 3. This ambition began probably after the first hour I spent in Japan in 2017. I was very fortunate. I thought “ I like it here”. Nevertheless, my disappointment with my job had a huge impact on my decision to leave for a while and start over.

 There are a number of amazing things there in terms of technology, history, architecture, food, etc. However, for me the culture and history are probably the most fascinating aspects. 
I would describe Japanese people as slightly miserable (as in depressed) in the sense that they live to work and work to live (with the exception of Osaka where they seem to live to party). At the same time they are so clean, correct and servile that I find it really interesting.  Japanese people are really proud and one negative aspect I know about them  is that it is quite a sexist country. However, I am really interested in going there with my sunshine (that is my companion) and experience the “land of the rising sun”
At the moment I am learning Japanese so I can actually get a teaching job, ideally from here, but if it is not possible, once I am there. It has turned out to be more difficult than I expected J

How about you?
Write about an ambition you have
What affected your decision to have this ambition
Is there anyone else involved in it
What are you doing to achieve it
Add anything else you find relevant.

Write a minimum of 210 words. One comment on your teacher’s blog and 3 comments on your classmates’ blogs.